Advisory #: 140
Title: Open Proxy in filedownload v1.4 wordpress plugin
Author: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0
Date: 2015-07-11
CWE: CWE-20 Input Validation
Download Site:
Vendor: Peter Gross
Vendor Notified: 2015-07-11
Vendor Contact:
Description: Creates a downloadlink with the browsers SaveAs dialog for all available filetypes. A download counter can be shown on the post and admin area.
The code in download.php doesn't check to see if a user is logged in before allowing a request to an external site. This flaw can be used to allow malicious code to be loaded into a browser or mask application attacks directed at a target site from behind vulnerable wordpress plugin sites. CVE-2015-70002 27 $type = $_GET[type]; 28 $path = $_GET[path]; 29 $check = $_GET[check]; 30 31 $forbidden = false; 32 $path_parts = pathinfo($path); 33 34 // V0.2 Security: not longer allowed relative pathes 35 if (strpos($path, 'http://') === false) $forbidden = true; 36 if (!(strpos($path, '..') === false)) $forbidden = true; 37 if (!(strpos($path, '.php') === false)) $forbidden = true; 38 39 // version 1.4 external downloads allowed? 40 $allow_external_download = get_blog_option( get_current_blog_id(), "filedown load_allow_external_download", "not available" ); 41 if ($allow_external_download == "0") // then external url downloads are not allowed 42 { 43 44 $site_url = strtolower(get_site_url( get_current_blog_id() )); 45 $download_url = strtolower(substr($path_parts[dirname], 0, strlen($site_ur l))); CVE-2015-70003: Possible Blind SQL Injection and Persistent XSS, I haven't been able to successfully exploit these: Lines 53-54 don't handle user-input properly for $filename: 53 $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'filedownload WHERE filename = \''.$filename.'\''; 54 $result=$wpdb->get_row($query, ARRAY_A); The filenames are sent back to the user with out any sanitization, I believe if you can create a XSS filename as your payload you maybe able to inject persistent XSS filenames into the database. 149 foreach ($selected as $filename) 150 { 151 filedownload_Reset($filename); 152 print "filename = $filename<br />"; 153 } 154 } CVE-2015-70004 Reflected XSS Line 61 of download.php echos the contents of referer to the user with out sanitizing its contents first leading to reflected XSS: 61 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; URL=<?php echo $_GET[referer]; ?>"
Exploit Code:
  1. $ curl ""
Screen Shots: