Title: Reflected XSS in wordpress plugin booking-ultra-pro v1.0.19 |
Author: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0 |
Date: 2016-02-09 |
Download Site: https://wordpress.org/plugins/booking-ultra-pro |
Downloads: 2068 |
Vendor Notified: 2016-02-09 |
Export: Json |
Vendor Contact: plugins@wordpress.org |
Plugin Name: booking-ultra-pro |
Vulnerability: There is a reflected XSS vulnerability in the following php code ./booking-ultra-pro/admin/tabs/fields.php:
148: value="<?php if (isset($_POST['uultra_name']) && isset($this->errors) && count($this->errors)>0) echo $_POST['uultra_name']; ?>"
159: value="<?php if (isset($_POST['uultra_tooltip']) && isset($this->errors) && count($this->errors)>0) echo $_POST['uultra_tooltip']; ?>"
171: <textarea class="uultra-help-text" id="uultra_help_text" name="uultra_help_text" title="<?php _e('A help text can be useful for provide information about the field.','bookingup'); ?>" ><?php if (isset($_POST['uultra_help_text']) && isset($this->errors) && count($this->errors)>0) echo $_POST['uultra_help_text']; ?></textarea>
The variables uultra_name, uultra_help_text appear to send unsanitized data back to the users browser via POST request.
CVE-ID: Not Released |
File:./booking-ultra-pro/admin/tabs/fields.php |
Exploit Code: Exploit was derived from appearance of first vulnerable parameter in code, there could be more shown above.