Advisory #: 67
Title: Vulnerability Report for Ruby Gem kompanee-recipes-0.1.4
Author: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0
Date: 2014-06-01
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Vendor Notified: 2014-06-25
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Description: These are the common recipes we've been using here at The Kompanee. Packaged as a gem.
From: ./kompanee-recipes-0.1.4/lib/kompanee-recipes/heroku.rb If this Gem is used in the context of a Rails application it maybe possible for a remote user to inject commands into the shell via #{password} #{user} #{deploy_name} #{application} variables if that data is user supplied. 032- task :install do 33: `heroku domains:add #{deploy_name}` 34- end 35- 37- Removes the domain for the application from the Heroku server. 39- task :remove do 40: `heroku domains:remove #{deploy_name}` 41- end 42- 43- namespace :addon do -- 47- task :install do 48: `heroku addons:add custom_domains:basic` 49- end 50- 54- task :remove do 55: `heroku addons:remove custom_domains:basic` 56- end 57- end 58- end -- 87- [internal] Creates a Heroku credentials file. 89- task :create do 90: `if [ ! -d #{heroku_credentials_path} ]; then mkdir -p #{heroku_credentials_path}; fi` 91: `echo #{user} > #{heroku_credentials_file}` 92: `echo #{password} >> #{heroku_credentials_file}` 93- end 94- 96- [internal] Switches the credentials file to either the current use or the 99- task :switch do -- 119- restart the application. 121- task :default do 122: `git push heroku #{branch}` 123- deploy.migrate 124- deploy.restart 125- end -- 128- Restarts the application. 130- task :restart do 131: `heroku restart` 132- end 133- 135- Runs the migrate rake task. 137- task :migrate do 138: `heroku rake db:migrate` 139- end 140- -- 144- namespace :rollback do 145- task :default do 146: `heroku rollback` 147- deploy.restart 148- end 149- end -- 151- namespace :web do 152- desc "Removes the maintenance page to resume normal site operation." 153- task :enable do 154: `heroku maintenance:off` 155- end 156- 158- task :disable do 159: `heroku maintenance:on` 160- end 161- end 162- -- 169- 170- heroku.domain.install 171- 173- deploy.default 174- end 175- end -- 177- namespace :website do 179- task :install do 180: `heroku create #{application}` 181- end 182- 183- desc "Completely removes application from Heroku" 184- task :remove do 185: `heroku destroy --confirm #{application}` 186- end 187- end 188- 189- namespace :db do 191- task :drop do 192: `heroku pg:reset` 193- end 194- 195- namespace :backup do 197- task :default do 198: `heroku pgbackups:capture` 199- end 200- 201- namespace :addon do -- 205- task :install do 206: `heroku addons:add pgbackups:basic` 207- end 208- 212- task :remove do 213: `heroku addons:remove pgbackups:basic` 214- end 215- end 216- end -- 219- task :reset_and_seed do 221- db.backup 222: `heroku pg:reset` 223: `heroku rake db:seed` 224- end 225- 226- desc "Seed database" 227- task :seed do 229- db.backup 230: `heroku rake db:seed` 231- end 232- end 233- 235- task :shell do 236: `heroku shell` 237- end 238- 240- task :invoke do 242- end 243-end
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